Your Local Electrician Fremantle

Trusted Electricians in Fremantle

Our experienced and reliable electrical team are equipped to assist you with all your domestic electrical needs. Seeking a trustworthy electrician in Fremantle to help you complete your electrical work? Get in touch with P Herman & Co today!

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What Our Customers Say

Our Electrical Services

P Herman & Co - Your Local Fremantle Electrician


P Herman & Co service Fremantle and all surrounding areas up to a radius of 40km. If you are needing an honest, reliable and dependable electrician, contact us today!

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P Herman & Co - Your Local Fremantle Electrician


P Herman & Co service Fremantle and all surrounding areas up to a radius of 40km. If you are needing an honest, reliable and dependable electrician, contact us today!

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Whether that finding the right products, repairing, replacing, or installing new ones – we are here for you for anything electrical big or small!

Send us a message below and let’s have a chat about what you need!